Monday, March 4, 2013

Pig Day and Dr. Suess

March 1st was Pig Day and the 2nd was Dr. Suess Day. Holidays i grew up celebrating. Mr. Finch was a good sport and i think he's really starting to enjoy these unconventional holidays scattered into our lives making fun and humorous memories. I asked the Mr. what he wanted for dinner to celebrate Pig Day. He picked pigs in a blanket with boxed mac n' cheese. I know...we truly were little piggies! I'd never made pigs in a blanket and had to consult the internet. Dessert was my family's traditional pig sugar cookies. We've always made them, every year. 
For Dr. Suess Day I shared a book that seemed just perfect for my mister. He's not a morning person and starting the day is definitely the hardest. I wish he could stay in bed longer but he's so good to head off to work. Luckily for us, this year, Dr. Suess was on a Saturday an he got to rest in a bit before we celebrated with classic green eggs and ham. My childhood was filled with books and Dr. Suess books were among them!
I'm glad to make these memories with my little family of the Mister and I. I hope others recognize the benefits of celebrating and living in the present. Look up a holiday, make a dessert, wear lipstick, make today special!


  1. Super Cute! I love all your colorful, cheery pictures!

  2. I loved the pig sugar cookies!!!

  3. You guys seriously do the cutest things! I love it! I always wanted my family to do things like this and they never did! We would love to celebrate the next exciting holiday with you! Miss you guys!
