Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Birthday Month

February is a busy month for my family. This year we celebrated February bdays with the superbowl to combine events in an already hectic month. We all had our red on to support our 49ers. We were invested-we came so close but the better team won. Man we wanted them to win so bad! Once again everyone brought a dish to share. All delicious and so much food to taste! Dad and Mom made pulled pork and brisket sandwiches-melt in your mouth. Shelley made seriously the best homemade BBQ sauce i've had-new favorite! We brought loaded potato wedges, Matt and Kate brought individual bean dips and the hottest homemade jalapeno poppers (Mouth on Fire!), holly made bacon wrapped little chicken sausages and stuffed mushrooms and Jared & Carrilyne plus kids made addicting pot stickers. It was too good and just one bite of each completely stuffed me! Just enough time for the tummy to settle for chocolate lava cakes for bday celebration that were richly divine. 

I was spoiled by family and had fun celebrating Matthew and my Mom's Bday's as well. Matt and I are 1 year and 4 days apart. Our birthdays often had joint activities so it's always fun to be all together. That next Sunday I got treated to a delicious meal and wonderful evening with the Finch and Beyer Families. Here's our yummy dessert made by Cindy. 
 My best gift for my birthday was Mr. Finch taking the day off work to spend with me. Scrambled eggs in bed was sure sweet of him, quick pit stop to work out together, he let me open my gifts early: A book by the NieNie Dialouges blog I read often and a coupon to buy some black riding boots! We packed our lunch for a picnic in the car then off to Utah County to where else besides Alice Lane and Frontier Gate House. After drooling over someday hopes and dreams (better win the lottery) we were able to stop by and visit my best friend Laura and husband Grant at their new home. A perfect thing to do on your birthday- laugh and catchup with a friend.

 Another eating opportunity of course of my birthday, we dined at the Blue Lemon in Highland. Shrimp Fettuccine with Pesto Sauce for me, Sandwich for the Mr. and Butternut Squash soup to split. Perfectly satisfied we stopped for dessert with my parents and sister, Shelley. Home to relax with the Mr. What a perfect day. I'm excited for this next year. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an eventful month. Your food always looks so mouthwatering. I should come to you for new recipe's. Glad you had such a good birthday. Maybe March will be a little less busy ;)
