Saturday, June 9, 2012

Adjusted Settings for Comments...Sorry & Thank You!

I Can get Comments Now!
I feel terrible yet so happy! I just found out that I have had my blog set up that I was required to "moderate" all the comments people leave on my blog. I didn't know that or what the little "moderate now" button meant and just kept going about my business posting away. I feel terrible that I haven't expressed appreciation for the sweet comments and thoughtful notes that people have left. I'm so happy as I just read ALL the comments people have posted for the last 6 months at least! I am so blessed that I have people that #1 read my blog or even glance at it occasionally and #2 that people are sweet enough to take the time to write me or us a little note. Thank you, Thank you! I'll be reading any comments now sooner than six months later.
I'm so embarrassed! I can't believe I'm so clueless when it comes to blogs! Thanks again for all the sweet comments and sorry I didn't know they were there or express thanks!

Oh, I hope this works! If you can't comment still please contact me via another method and let me know!


  1. Just Checking...fingers crossed this works!

  2. Hahaha....I was going to ask you what was going on with the comment thing :)glad you fixed it...yay!

  3. Glad you got to read all the comments I posted :) Hope all is well!

  4. Haha! You are too funny. Glad you got it to work!
