Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Labor" Day Annual Campout

Labor Day gathers my family at my parents for our annual backyard campout. There's always lots of laughs and memories made and the grandkids look forward with eager anticipation. This year my mom, me and non-pregnant sisters Holly and Shelley decided that we'd use the gathering that we a little "baby shower" for our expecting sister-in-laws. Carrilyne due Sept. 28th with Baby #5, Boy; Adrienne Due Dec. 28th with Baby #3, 1st girl, Kate Due Dec. 28th with Baby#1, girl. We did a little nautical theme: "Ahoy it's a Boy and 2 Girls!" We had 'sub' sandwiches, sea-boat jello cups, chips 'ahoy' s'mores and lots of fun. I made little sail boats as place settings. Thanks to Jared & Carrilyne for letting me borrow some of their cute things as decor. Dinner was followed by setting up camps, croquet which we came in second! Argh! We'll win that trophy one of these days. The traditional fire pit and pass along story that ends up silly and my mom's famous "What do you feed your babies" joke. We sleep well in the cooling weather and wake up for breakfast. It's a wonderful tradition. Thanks Dad and Mom!
 Chalk Art: Ellie drew the Salt Lake Temple with Brandon and I getting married.

Dark Panarama of everyone around the campfire. Stories or dragons, crocodiles and funny endings. I love camping but sometimes it's nice to have bathrooms and kitchens so close:)


  1. I am so grateful you are so talented and can put these pictures together so that we can all remember. Plus I hope you notice how beautiful you make our family outing and how creative you are! Thank you sweetie! You and your hubby are wonderful!

  2. That was such a fun night! You did a great job with the decor! You are amazing as always!
