Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Weekend Whirlwind! Zoo,Soccer,Ole!

Mr. Finch and I had quite a fun-filled weekend! Saturday began with the sunrise and us in line at the Rio Tinto stadium to pick up tickets for the game later that night. We were first in line-Mr. Finch was a trooper to get out of bed so early when rest was needed. Next we enjoyed our afternoon with Brayden, our nephew who recently turned the big six! We treated him to a day at the Zoo for his gift. He was very curious where we were on the map and led the way to the next animal. He was looking forward to the Gorillas and we visited them a couple times. The bird show is a favorite for us and always fun to have birds flying so closely overhead. From the zoo we joined my family for the Real Salt Lake soccer game- Star Wars themed: May the 4th be with you! GOAL! We won and special thanks to Dad and Mom for treating us to dinner at the game. By the time we made it home we were worn out. 
Sunday is always a treat with our Sunbeam class. There are so many times the mister and I get to flash eachother a look and smile about their answers and quirky personalities. They make my day. We took a needed nap and then headed to a Cinco de Mayo party. My Dad's Chile Verde is so good it makes you smile while you savor it. We watched and quoted Nacho Libre as a family. Muchas Gracias por la buen tiempo! What an exciting weekend! We're lucky to have such great family and fun things to celebrate. 

 Lego Exhibit all around showcasing some fun animal creations. Brayden has a very impressive lego collection of his own and was excited to see them. Can't imagine how long they took! Fun day at the zoo!
Here's the gang at the game:


  1. You both are so cute!! Thank you oh so much for Brayden's zoo adventure :) he had a BLAST!! And the "map" is hanging up in his room. What a great memory he will have, love all the fun pictures...phew, was that a weekend or what?!
    Love you guys!!

  2. Love it! You guys are so awesome!
