Saturday, September 17, 2011


Brandon and I are currently hanging our hats together in Logan, Utah. Brandon has one more semester at USU to complete his Bachelors in Graphic Design. He's "lived" up here during the week the past two years. He's never been terribly fond of the place mostly because he hasn't been able to experience it with the constant travel back and forth-i still appreciate his sacrifice to visit me. Hopefully being a little more stationary will give us a chance to love Logan! I've made a list of things we hope to do between homework and dishes-most of them are restaurants exclusive to the area, some school events and hopefully a camping excursion. 
Boxes have been unpacked and kitchen appliances have found very unique homes in our small studio style apartment. We've discovered some very quirky features about our abode. 
  • There's a single outlet in the kitchen. In the Corner. 
  • The bathroom outlet is joined to the lighting fixture so we have to run an extension cord to the counter top to use it. Pretty Classy. 
  • We haven't had air conditioning and are thankful for autumn breezes. Sleeping at 90 degrees is difficult. 
  • I have about one foot of counter top space to prep food. 
  • Our wireless internet is random at best.
  • Moths somehow find their way easily inside.
  • There's a technique to flushing our toilet.
  • Everything makes noises.
  • The Shower is 2'x2'. The Shower head is at Brandon's Chest level. He "manages". 
  • There's a very bright security light outside our door-night light is an understatement.  
  • There's no space for a kitchen table. Hello living room coffee tables. 
We laugh at all these things but are making mental notes on a "someday" list. Like someday we'll have a garage, air conditioning, and outlets galore. For now, we enjoy the experience are are grateful for the low rent that accompanies our castle. 

Welcome to #11: Top Floor. One Bedroom-Kind of. Hidden Treasure. 
Front Door: I wanted a wreath so badly-our limited budget allowed for this $5 beauty that we added some berries and a letter I previously had. 

Living Room:
We are not really supposed to hang pictures and we'd like to get as much of our deposit back. The side blank wall is depressing, I know, we've looked for a large piece that would justify a hole in the wall but haven't found anything that quite fits. We're so lucky to have any furniture! We thankfully were able to borrow the couch from Brandon's Sister, Stacy~With out it all we'd have is my enormous & odd lovesac. The large landscape was hung in Brandon's Grandpa's home. It has a lot of memories of their home and I'm happy to have it in mine. 
I love my menu board that my sister Holly gave to me as a wedding present. I know Brandon doesn't much care about what's for dinner tomorrow but I love it. I've been collecting kitchen things for years, I love dishes. My family has supported my love with beautiful kitchen accessories for bdays and Christmas gifts.  We also received some beautiful things as wedding presents. It's small-but we get the job done. 
The Bathroom:
I loved this shower curtain, Brandon conceded his dislike for yellow for a short time. Can ya tell I love white! On our honeymoon Brandon got a real kick out of the towel folding. Any origami towel creation is entirely of his making.  
Our Study:
These shelves are across from the bedroom area and hang above our desks. I had hoped to house more of my dishes here but the shelves are not quite wide enough. We didn't really bring any books with us for the short time we're here so we've filled them with anything we could come up with. 
The Bedroom:
Someday Brandon will have a King-size bed. For now, he hangs over the edge and there's just not quite enough room for his long legs-but our tiny apartment couldn't quite handle that type of luxury. I wanted white bedding and my parents generously gifted us our bedding as a wedding gift. Again, grateful for furniture! Brandon's mom Cindy stored these beautiful pieces and has let us use them. Everything fits snug & for now-it's perfect. 
We don't have a guest bedroom but we'd happily host visitors. We'll give you some homemade ice cream for your journey up here! We love how close to everything we are here in Logan. You can see the Temple over the tree line on our "balcony". We're grateful to be here-and happy it's a short adventure. This is the View outside the Living Room window, better than a brick wall right!
We're here. We're Home. Come, Make yourself comfortable.


  1. Hooray! The next time you guys come down to Taylorsville, let me know, we need to all go to lunch/dinner. I already called Brandon. Let's make it happen! Hopefully Cody can make it, but we'll see. Lovely home, I'll have to come visit!

  2. Wow...are you kidding?!! It looks SO guys should give yourselves pat on the back...LOVE ur bedroom, the kitchen is so organized, the study area is fun..and your wreath is cute Jess! Ya gotta have a wreath! All of your extra touches make it a home ;) just darlin' and all the "funny" stuff wil make such good memories, you can look back, laugh, and say...remember when?... That is all part of growing it..looks fantastic girl~

  3. love love love! i love your gold letters and how you decorate your bedroom! there will always be something magical about your first apartment together! you will make so many wonderful memories there! we have a family blog too, that i would love to send you an invite to! email me your email address to i also have a diy blog to log away all my projects on. it's

  4. Well hello Finch Family!!! Keep up the blogging! With being so far apart it's how I can keep tabs on you. Sure do love you!! Hope all is well. Send my hellos to Brandon. PS-LOVE the apartment!

  5. Love the place! You guys still need to take a trip to St George : ) We miss you!

  6. Love it! You are a genius with your small space! So adorable! Keep up the cute blog!
